Male Pied Flycatcher | |
I took advantage of the fine weather and took a trip up to Yarner Wood on Dartmoor today to try to find Pied Flycatchers and Wood Warblers.
I was happy after finding several pairs of Pied Fly's merrily feeding away and carrying food to and fro to their nestboxes.
They took virtually no notice of me although I did come with copious amounts of camo material and scrim to break up my otherwise attractive outline!
There were 3 pairs nesting along on bit of path in almost every other box. Those without Pied Fly's had great and blue tits in residence and I also found a nesting pair of Coal tits but they were in a natural nest hole in a stump of hazel.
As for the Wood Warblers they were vocal and it was great to hear but they were high up in the canopy and I couldn't get the camera on them.
All in all a successful day!
Female Pied Flycatcher | |
Male Pied Flycatcher |
Male Pied Flycatcher |
Male Pied Flycatcher |
Female Pied Flycatcher |
Male Pied Flycatcher |
There were you taking great Pied Fly photos, there was I painting bloody windows. Looks like you had a good day.
Very nice Adrian. Number five is my favourite.
Superb shots, I visit Yarner a couple of times a year.
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